I have not blogged in a while. I somewhat disappeared off the face of the blogosphere. It wasn't intentional, just one of those things that happens when life gets overwhelming. Life has been quite overwhelming the past few months. My semester ended and another one began. Things got really bad, then they got really good, then they mellowed out into mediocrity. Things have continued to be mediocre. I don't mind. It's easier for things to remain calm and not overly strenuous.
I am not going to use this post to comment on OCD. However, since OCD is a part of my life, it is also a part of everything else that I have to talk about. In this post, though, it is not the focus. The focus is people.
I do not understand people. I feel like everywhere I go, I meet phonies (not to quote Holden Caulfield or anything). Nobody seems genuine. People aren't honest and open, and many are shallow and callous. I am unsure as to whether there is such a thing as maturity, and if there is, I have yet to encounter it in any great quantity. I am disappointed in my generation, which I see as the weakest link thus far. I don't mean to sound like a bitch or anything, I just feel that people are generally, for lack of a better word, phony.